Worst gator bite I’ve seen in person

When you tell people you wrestler gators the first question is always have you ever been bit. Sadly I now have to change my answer. Next they want to know how bad the bite was. My bite wasn’t bad at all. Less than two weeks and it’s almost totally healed. The worst bite I’ve ever seen in person was on Ines’s face when we were filming the show Wreckreation Nation for Discovery Channel. See the bite HERE  Ines is a pretty small framed gal and the gator she was working with was a solid 7 footer. She was really struggling on pulling the gator up and getting it into a safer situation for her and the gator. Ines kept leaning forward and putting her face very near the gators head. Prior to what the clip shows Jay, Noah and I had told her to lean back and get her head up.  If you watch the clip you can see Noah helping lift the gator up and Jay trying to get her to lean back. Sadly she didn’t follow the advice and got bit right by the eye. Luckily for Ines, Jay and Noah were right there to grab the gator and I came running in to help. It was super scary for a fraction of a second. Noah kept the gator from thrashing and causing serious damage and Jay held Ines in place to prevent her from trying to flee and leaving parts of her face in the gators mouth. Luckily the gator was up at such an angle that it quickly released her and Noah and I could prevent the gator from trying to bite again and Jay helped Ines off and out of the pen.  After everyone was safe and away from the gator Noah and I released it and went to check on Ines’s wounds that Jay was treating. She was a very lucky lady because the gators teeth had barely missed her eye. Jay was using the standard bleach water to clean her wounds quickly and kill and bacteria that might have gotten in. Ines was a good sport and took it all like a champ. She even posed for pictures with some of us to show off her war wounds. Ines and her family went to the doctor after they left and the doc said everything was cleaned well and there wasn’t really anything he could do for her. Ines ended up making a full recovery and barely had a scar. So the life lesson to take from this is always listen to your gator wrestling instructor.


face bite 1 face bite 2

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